
Healthy and Well

Employees walking.
Wayne Community College encourages healthy behavior in its employees and students. 从举办献血活动和举办健康博览会到支持与健康相关的社区组织和举办流感疫苗诊所, the college demonstrates that education is more than exercising the mind.

Fitness and Sports Facilities

学院在杜鹃花大楼的二楼有一个健身设施,里面有供学生和员工使用的设备. 它还有一条向大学和社区开放的步行和健身步道,其中包括一条1/3英里(约合1.6公里)长的铺砌步道和8个健身站. 这是将校园与其他小径和绿道连接起来的小径计划的第一站,这些小径和绿道是由戈尔茨伯勒市和当地医院建造的. The College also has tennis courts, a softball field, volleyball courts, and putting green that are available for student and employee use.

Accident and Medical Emergencies Procedure

If you have a medical emergency, call 911 for EMS and ext. 0, or 919-739-7050 to notify the Office of Campus Police and give the location and nature of the situation. Wayne Community College maintains basic first aid boxes in every building. Anything beyond basic first aid will require outside attention by a medical provider. Under college policy, no medicines will be dispensed by college staff. A limited supply of basic pain relievers, 过敏药物及其他非处方药可于正常营业时间内在书店购买.

In general, accidents occurring during WCC-sponsored activities will be covered by student and/or college insurance. 学院一般不负责医疗运输或任何医院或医疗机构的个人疾病费用.

Should a medical emergency requiring more than basic first aid arise, the procedures posted on the red Emergency Medical Cards located throughout the campus, should be followed.

1. Call EMS immediately at 9-1-1 and then call Campus Police at 919-739-7050 to notify them of the situation, location, and nature of the accident or illness. Campus Police will escort the ambulance to the scene.

2. Do not move injured persons unless:
a. you are absolutely certain about their condition; or
b. the person is in more danger if they remain where they are.

3. In the event of a seizure, do not restrain the victim. Clear the area around the victim of everything that could be a hazard. If possible, put the victim on their side. Never force the victim’s mouth open.

所有涉及学生的事故必须报告给学生活动协调员或夜间协调员. Accidents involving guests must also be reported to the Business Office. 重要的是,如果可能的话,这些通知应在运输前作出,以便准备适当的保险单据并通知有关机构. Failure to follow procedure could result in claims not being covered.

Accident Insurance for Students


Continuing Education students have the option to pay the $.55学生意外保险费用为所有持续教育课程,每学期四个星期或更长时间. This fee is paid once during a term regardless of the number of classes taken.

Community Health and Mental Health Resources

Wayne County Health Department
301 N. Herman St.
Goldsboro, NC 27530

Wayne UNC Health Care
2700 Wayne Memorial Drive
Goldsboro, NC 27534

Eastpointe – Regional Mental Health Services
TTY: 1-888-819-5112

Mental Health Crisis Walk-In
If you have a crisis Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., help is available without an appointment at Waynesboro Family Clinic, 1706 Wayne Memorial Drive, Goldsboro, NC, 27534.

Communicable Disease Policy

澳门金沙棋牌游戏致力于确保在传染病方面采取一切必要的培训和预防措施. 澳门金沙棋牌游戏的生物危害暴露控制计划和流行病防范计划反映了我们为确保所有员工和学生的健康和安全所做的努力. 为了控制传染病和校园大流行的威胁,根据学校的规章制度,学院对学生采取了这一传染病政策.C. Division of Health Services. 感染传染病的雇员和承包商或承包服务机构的雇员有责任向人力资源主管报告这一事实. 感染传染病的学生有责任向学术和澳门金沙棋牌游戏助理副校长或继续教育副校长报告这一事实, as appropriate.

传染病是指由受感染的人或动物通过中间动物直接或间接将传染物或其有毒产物传染给人而引起的疾病, host, or vector, or through the inanimate environment. [N.C.G.S. 130A-2(1c)] Communicable Disease shall include, but is not limited to: Chickenpox, influenza, Infectious Mononucleosis, Conjunctivitis, Hepatitis A, B and D, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Aids-related complex (ARC), positive HIV antibody status, Influenza, Measles, Meningitis, Tuberculosis, Whooping Cough, and sexually transmitted diseases.(N.C.G.S. 130A)感染传染病的人应寻求专家医疗咨询,并鼓励向当地卫生当局提出建议. 地方卫生当局应该向这些人提供咨询,告诉他们可以采取哪些措施来防止感染的传播和保护他们自己的健康.

Persons who know, or have a reasonable basis for believing, 他们感染了一种传染病,有道德和法律义务根据这种知识行事,以保护自己和他人. 与学生或员工的传染病有关的医疗信息将仅在严格限制的需要知道的基础上披露给负责的学院官员. No person, group, agency, insurer, employer, 除非州和/或联邦法律要求,否则学校不应在没有学生事先明确书面同意的情况下向学生提供任何医疗信息. Furthermore, all medical information relating to the communicable diseases of students and employees will be kept confidential, according to state and federal law, including the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act.

If a student reports a communicable disease condition, 在对学生的医疗状况作出适当评估之前,该学生可能会被排除在学校之外. 评估可以由医生或卫生部门官员进行,如果适当,可能需要进行测试. Students in any Allied Health program may have additional requirements, as specified in each program’s student handbook; therefore, these students should report all suspected communicable diseases.

最终决定学生是否有能力留在学校将由副校长或助理副校长根据专业医疗评估结果和建议作出决定. If a student is found to have a communicable disease, 在获得一名或多名持牌医生或公共卫生官员出具的令人满意的信函或证明,证明该学生不会对学院的员工和其他学生构成健康风险之前,该学生将被禁止出席校园或任何学院活动.

学院的生物危害控制计划规定了在意外暴露于体液或生物危害时应遵循的指导方针. 任何此类暴露都应立即报告给与WCC活动相关的负责教师或工作人员以及学生活动协调员,并必须完成事件报告.
